SpinSmart AI

Only the latest AI can deliver amazing spins and pictures that are perfect and consistent for EVERY vehicle … across EVERY store.

Great vehicle spins and photos start with a simple video that anyone can shoot.

A one minute walkaround automatically generates a stabilized 360 spin with background replacement (BGR), hot spots, closeups, and exterior pictures — all in 4K — that are published instantly.

If AI can do it – you shouldn’t have to! With SpinSmart you get amazing productions … without the need for a professional photographer.

BGR (Background Removal and Replacement )

You wouldn’t show trees, telephone poles, snow, unsightly pavement, and other clutter in your showroom.  Don’t show it your online showroom!  EZ360 BGR removes all the distractions … so YOUR CAR IS THE STAR!

  • No more partial or faked productions. EZ360 applies BGR on ALL pictures –  exterior and interior – even vehicle windows.

  • Spins use a 3D digital showroom background for a realistic look.  The backgrounds includes a turntable that actually turns with the vehicle.

Consistent spins and photos

  • SpinSmart automatically eliminates the shakes from natural camera jitters.  All your spins are smooth and look great.

  • We display your spin and pictures in the same starting position for every vehicle, regardless of where the photographer started the video.

  • SpinSmart frames and zooms your spins and pictures no matter the camera distance when shot.  Each car is centered and fills the ideal 85% of the display.

Intelligent Automation

  • EZ360 spins are SMART.  The AI automatically identifies key points of interest, creates hotspots, and even takes pictures of those features.

  • The EZ360 customized media player displays the spin, interior 360, and pictures in full 4K high-resolution with 8x zoom on your VDP.   Your brand and vehicles  stand out from other dealers.
