
Spending costly hours or even days taking vehicle photos, uploading them to a server, cataloging them, and then pushing and waiting for them to display on your web site?

No longer. The automated EZ360 photo system takes all the pain … cost … and delay from the old manual process. Just drive a car into our turnkey photo studio, turn the turntable on, and run the iVana app to start automatic exterior and interior pictures.

It’s just another click to upload the pics to servers and publish them immediately on your and ad partner web sites with our industry-leading VDP photo, animation, and video display. EZ350 can process a car, including taking photos and updating your web site in as little as 7 minutes from start to finish. That’s 30-40 cars per day, 300% faster than the traditional way. And your pics are live online in seconds.

See how easy EZ360 is to use in our video with no bulky camera, manual upload, or long data feed updates. Contact us or call (888) 88-EZ360 (888-883-9360) now to bring your dealership into the 21st century and move cars off your lot!