The EZ360 Digital Dealer JWB Party is back!
RSVP  now!

WHERE: Mandalay Bay Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada
WHEN: Monday August 19 6:30pm until the last drop of JWB!

Coming to DD27 or live in Las Vegas?

CEO Izzy Alpert and EZ360 cordially invite clients, guests, and friends to our Mandalay Bay suite. Join us for an exclusive evening of the finest Johnnie Walker Blue scotch, drinks, appetizers, and friends. Soak in every angle of Las Vegas from more than 50 floors up with a stunning 180 degree view.

Please RSVP above so we can send you a text message with the suite number the day of the party.  Or you can just visit us at Booth 527 to learn it late in the afternoon.

EZ360 is the leader in End-to-End Vehicle Photo Systems with custom photo studio, full interior 360 and exterior spin, and instant web site update.

Contact us or visit us at Booth 527 at Digital Dealer 27 to learn more about the party and our products.
